Welcome to the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Children’s Hospital of Michigan and Wayne State University School of Medicine. Our emergency department is one of the clinically busiest EDs in the US with an annual census of ~ 95,000. We have a very robust and indeed, one of the longest accredited fellowships in Pediatric Emergency Medicine.
We provide state of the art education and training in research, ultrasound, toxicology, simulation, pre-hospital care and disaster management. We are a level 1 Trauma center and a certified pediatric burn center. Our child-friendly, under-the-sea theme has been designed by the patients and their families. In addition, we regularly use lean methods and integrated facilities design to make the pediatric ED experience patient friendly while maintaining safety and providing care that is of the highest quality.
We have a very robust research infrastructure that has allowed us to advance the science of pediatric emergency medicine and make a meaningful impact at local, regional, national and international level.
I would like to invite you to peruse this website in detail and virtually visit us frequently because this is a dynamic resource for all of us who are interested in taking care of the acutely ill and injured child.
Curt Stankovic, MD MBA
Division Chief
Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Carman & Ann Adams Department of Pediatrics
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Detroit, MI – 48201
Phone: 313-745-5260
Fax: 313-993-7166